Mushrooms - A Pregnancy Superfood

When you think of healthy foods to add to your diet during pregnancy, you’re probably not thinking about mushrooms. But did you know that medicinal mushrooms are packed with nutrients and bioactive compounds that support healthy immune function?

Beta Glucans: Healing Nutrients in Medicinal Mushrooms

Medicinal mushrooms are a group of mushrooms known for their health benefits and often consumed as a supplement for their therapeutic properties.

Some well-known medicinal mushrooms include:

  • Reishi

  • Chaga

  • Shiitake

  • Lion’s Mane

  • Cordyceps

  • Turkey Tail

One of the key components in medicinal mushrooms that make them particularly beneficial during pregnancy is beta-glucan. Beta glucan is a type of soluble fiber found in the cell walls of these mushrooms that has a wide range of health benefits such as boosting the immune system and improving cholesterol levels [1]. For pregnant women, beta-glucan’s immune boosting properties can be especially valuable for protecting both mother and baby from illness.

Beta-glucan has also been linked to an increase in milk supply for breastfeeding mothers. By stimulating the production of prolactin (the hormone responsible for lactation), beta-glucan can help provide nursing mothers with an ample supply of breast milk for their infants.

Reishi for Buddha Babies

The Reishi mushroom is known for promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. They have a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine for their calming effects on the mind and body. 

Have you heard of the term “Reishi Babies?”

Herbalist Ron Teegaurden has observed over the years that mothers who include reishi mushrooms in their diet give birth to babies who are calm and zen, almost like “little Buddhas.” This calm and easygoing nature often follows them into childhood [2]. 

Not only does reishi bring a sense of peacefulness to babies, but their mothers also receive these benefits [3]: 

  • Calmer during pregnancy, labor, and birth

  • Balanced mind, body and spirit

  • Stronger immune system and cardiovascular system

  • Packed full of nutrients

  • Anti-inflammatory properties

  • May help balance blood sugar levels

  • Better quality of sleep

Whether you’re looking to enhance immune function, increase milk supply, or create a sense of calm for yourself and your baby, medicinal mushrooms - particularly reishi mushrooms - are a valuable source of bioactive compounds that boost health during and after pregnancy.

Troubleshoot a Poor Latch for Breastfeeding Success

Breastfeeding is a beautiful connection between mother and child that not only nourishes with nutrients unique to YOUR child, but also helps build a strong bond. Most mothers want to be able to experience this and provide their baby with the best possible sustenance, but many are not prepared for when challenges arise. 

A poor latch is one of the most common breastfeeding obstacles that leaves women frustrated, in pain, and ready to give up.

Before you assume breastfeeding won’t work and decide to turn to a bottle, keep reading to see if you and your baby are experiencing a poor latch that can be resolved.

Signs of a Poor Latch

When a baby latches onto the breast correctly, they can effectively extract milk for adequate nutrition and stimulate milk production. Plus, a good latch helps prevent nipple pain and damage - a common concern for many breastfeeding mothers.

  • Recognizing the signs of a poor latch is the first step towards addressing the issue:

  • Nipple pain or discomfort lasting longer than a few seconds and persisting between feedings.

  • Nipple damage, such as cracking, blistering, or bleeding.

  • Baby's mouth is not fully covering the areola, instead only latching onto the nipple.

  • Baby making clicking noises while nursing.

  • Poor weight gain or inadequate diaper output.

Common Causes of Poor Latching

Experiencing any of the signs above? Now it’s time to identify what is causing the poor latch so that you can get to the root of the issue.

Some common causes of a poor latch include:

  1. Inexperienced breastfeeding: For both mother and baby, breastfeeding is a learning process. In the early days, it may take time for both parties to figure out the best positioning and technique, especially as a first-time mother.

  2. Engorgement: When the breasts are overly full and firm, it can be challenging for the baby to latch properly.

  3. Flat or inverted nipples: These variations in nipple shape can make it difficult for the baby to latch effectively. You can definitely still breastfeed, but you want to be aware that you have one of these variations and learn techniques for latching with flat or inverted nipples.

  4. Tongue tie or lip tie: Ankyloglossia (tongue tie) or a tight frenulum (lip tie) can restrict the baby's ability to latch deeply.

  5. Latch-on technique: Improper positioning of the baby at the breast or incorrect latch technique can lead to a poor latch.

How to Resolve Latching Issues

Don't hesitate to reach out to a lactation consultant or breastfeeding support group for guidance. These professionals can provide valuable tips and support tailored to your specific situation. Your midwife knows you and your baby best, and can walk you through your latching issues and come up with a solution.

Experiment with different breastfeeding positions to find what works best for you and your baby. Common positions include the cradle hold, football hold, and side-lying position.

Check on your latch technique - find pictures so that you have a visual of what you should be seeing. Ensure that your baby's mouth is wide open with lips flanged outwards before bringing them to the breast. Aim to have the baby latch onto the entire areola, not just the nipple.

If you're experiencing nipple pain or damage, try using lanolin cream or hydrogel pads to soothe soreness and promote healing.

Take your baby to a chiropractor to ensure their neck, jaw, palate, and cranium are aligned for successful breastfeeding. Balance Chiropractic at Cincinnati Birth Center is experienced in helping resolve these kinds of issues for a healthier, happier baby.

If your baby has underlying issues such as a tongue tie or lip tie, talk with your midwife and/or pediatrician to discuss treatment options. 


Above all, remember that breastfeeding requires patience and persistence. With the right support and resources, most challenges can be overcome. By prioritizing a proper latch and addressing any difficulties promptly, you can create a positive breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Health Benefits

Red raspberry leaf tea uses dried leaves from the red raspberry plant - rich in several nutrients and compounds, including vitamins (such as vitamins C, E, and B), minerals (like calcium, iron, and magnesium), flavonoids, tannins, and powerful antioxidants that help protect against free radicals.

Benefits of Drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

  • 1. Uterine Tonic: Red raspberry leaf is hailed for its uterine toning properties, allowing more efficient contractions during labor. Studies show that it can increase blood flow to the uterus for strengthening, which helps with efficient contractions and can help prevent hemorrhage [1]. 

  • 2. Nutrients for Pregnancy: Red raspberry leaf tea supports a healthy pregnancy by providing essential nutrients such as iron and magnesium. It is also rich in antioxidants such as ellagitannins, hydroxybenzoic acids, and anthocyanins.

  • 3. Easing Labor: Studies suggest that regularly drinking red raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy may help shorten the duration of labor and reduce the need for medical interventions (cesarean sections, assisted deliveries, etc.) [2].

  • 4. Postpartum Recovery: Red raspberry leaf tea also assists with postpartum recovery by promoting uterine involution (the return of the uterus to its pre-pregnancy state) and increasing lactation.

When Should I Start Drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea?

There is no one right answer for when you should start drinking red raspberry leaf tea. It’s generally safe to start drinking it around the 2nd trimester, and you can often drink it even earlier if your midwife gives the green light. If you have a history of fast labors or you feel uncomfortable drinking it earlier, you can wait until the 3rd trimester, keeping in mind that this might not allow enough time for it to have significant toning effects.

So how often should you drink red raspberry leaf tea? If you start drinking it early in pregnancy, try sticking with 1-2 cups a day (keep an eye out for any uterine cramping - if you experience this, cut back on your dosage and ask your midwife when you should try drinking it again). Later in pregnancy, you can increase your intake to 1-3 cups as part of your daily routine.

At Cincinnati Birth Center, we offer Potent Pregnancy Tea as a nourishing boost for expecting mothers. A blend of red raspberry leaf, nettles, alfalfa, oatstraw, and spearmint, this tea provides all the benefits of regular red raspberry leaf tea - plus extra!

Epidurals During Labor: Pros and Cons

The Epidural Through History

Using epidurals for pain relief during childbirth can be traced back to the early 20th century. In 1901, the use of anesthetics in the epidural space was first reported. Fidel Pagés was a pioneer of the epidural, promoting it for surgical purposes through his article published in 1921.

However, it wasn't until the 1970s that epidurals gained popularity for labor due to advancements in medical technology and improvements in technique. The development of the epidural catheter allowed for a continuous flow of anesthesia, enhancing control over pain relief during labor. This marked a new era in the history of childbirth, as more women began to consider epidurals as a viable option for managing labor pain.

Throughout the latter half of the 20th century and into modern years, the number of women using epidurals has continued to rise. Today, around 70% of laboring women use an epidural. As childbirth has shifted into hospitals and become more and more of a medical procedure, many women see the epidural as a non-negotiable and as the “normal” way to manage labor pain.

Pros and Cons of Epidurals


  • Pain Relief: Epidurals are very effective in easing pain, allowing mothers to get more rest during labor and feel less exhausted. For a mother anxious about childbirth pain, an epidural may look very appealing.

  • Flexibility: Epidurals provide a more controlled and adjustable pain relief approach, with the ability to administer additional medication if necessary.

  • Easier Medical Interventions: The pain relief provided by epidurals can facilitate medical interventions such as forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery if complications arise.


  • Reduced Mobility: Epidurals limit a woman's ability to move and change positions during labor, often slowing down natural progression. Walking, standing, and swaying are some of the best ways to speed up labor.

  • Increased Risk of Medical Interventions: When labor is slowed down, there is a higher chance you will require medical interventions to help it progress. Pushing is sometimes more difficult with an epidural in place, so this can increase the risk of needing forceps, vacuum-assisted delivery, or a c-section.

  • Potential Side Effects: Epidurals can lead to side effects such as low blood pressure, back pain, headache, and nausea - see next section for more information.

  • Worse Postpartum Recovery: Many women complain of experiencing a worse recovery period due to their epidural. Epidurals can often increase the risk of tearing since a doctor has to guide you when to push and you aren’t able to listen to your body.

  • Pain Medication in Baby’s System: A small amount of the epidural does cross over and enter the baby’s system, remaining there for at least the first 30 days of life.

  • Possible Breastfeeding Issues: Exposure to pain medication often dulls a baby’s initial feeding behaviors. Epidurals also inhibit the mother’s release of natural oxytocin and can delay the milk coming in.

Common Epidural Side Effects

While epidurals are generally considered safe, women often experience side effects, including:

  • Low Blood Pressure

  • Headache

  • Nausea and Vomiting

  • Back Pain

  • Perineal Tearing / Swelling

  • Urination Problems

  • Elevated Temperature

It’s true, epidurals are effective in reducing labor pain - but there are several natural pain management techniques to consider that allow you to avoid unwanted side effects and feel empowered by using your own strength. 

Anna’s Birth Stories with the CBC

Birth #1 - A Christmas Gift

I found out I was pregnant right in the middle of Covid in 2021. I had always assumed I would have a hospital birth, at least with my first, but all the rules surrounding the virus made me hesitate. Would we be exposed to the virus at a hospital? Would I be separated from my baby if I tested positive? Would family even be allowed to be with me?

I started to explore home birth as an option and started researching the best midwives in my area.

Enter Meghan, a calming presence whose knowledge about all things childbirth set me right at ease. Prenatal appointments at the Cincinnati Birth Center offered a serene, tranquil environment, and I was so happy with my decision to have a natural birth at home.

Fast forward a few months to Christmas Eve night when I thought I was feeling signs of early labor. When I woke up at 12am Christmas morning, I KNEW today was the day! My doula and mother-in-law came over right away to give their support and we worked through contractions together. 

After a couple hours of pacing, swaying, and using an exercise ball, I felt we should call Meghan - in my inexperience, I thought that these contractions were intense and meant baby was almost here! Meghan came over right away to check me out…  and I was disappointed to learn I was only 3cm dilated. 

Meghan left with instructions to call her when labor ramped up more and I tried to catch some sleep between contractions (easier said than done!). My husband never slept more than ten minutes during my whole labor - he massaged my back, helped me take a warm shower, and held my hand as the pain got worse.

Mid-morning marked the turning point as labor definitely progressed, prompting us to call Meghan again. This time she arrived with her birth assistant, India, and they immediately prepped for the delivery of my little girl. Reality started setting in! But I barely had time to process anything with contractions stealing my focus at only 1-2 minutes apart. I labored on the bed and tried different positions, but didn’t feel the urge to push yet.

At some point, I stood up to encourage the baby’s descent - and my water instantly broke. Two intense hours of pushing followed – and believe me, it’s nothing like in movies! It turns out that the baby was in a compound presentation, where her hand was next to her head in the birth canal. This caused some difficult pushing and delivery. But the moment my baby girl was placed in my arms, I just felt the relief and joy of holding Lily Renae, my little Christmas gift.

Birth #2 - Born in the Water

Two years after my first was born, I found out I was pregnant with my second little girl! I knew I wanted to have the midwives at CBC perform the delivery again, and called them up right away.

Since I had already experienced a home birth, I felt much more confident this time around and decided I wanted to experience water labor with this delivery.

Two weeks before my due date, I started having regular mild contractions that lasted all day - I was sure I was going into early labor and alerted Meghan. My in-laws picked up my toddler for a “sleepover” and I waited all day for the labor to progress. After a full day of mild contractions, they finally petered out that night. False alarm - I had been tricked by prodromal labor and baby girl didn’t have any plans of making an appearance yet.

The next two weeks seemed to drag on, but finally my due date came… and went. That night I ate the spiciest food I could handle and did lunges, stair walking, and bounced on an exercise ball. Did any of that induce labor? I’ll never know for sure, but the next morning at 6:45am I woke up with very real contractions.

They progressed quickly within the next hour, so after we got our toddler some breakfast and packed to go hang out with grandpa, I called Meghan knowing I would need assistance soon.

Around 10am, I knew things were going much faster than they had with my first birth. Meghan was already at another birth that morning, so India came over with her assistant. India is wonderful, and instantly put me at ease with her encouraging presence.

We got our birthing pool set up - unfortunately, it was defective out of the box and wanted to leak air. But it was nothing my husband, mother-in-law, and duct tape couldn’t handle! I couldn’t believe how RELAXING the water was, and I swore I’d never labor any other way in the future!

A couple of hours passed, and the contractions intensified much faster than I expected. When I saw India and her assistant sharing a nod, I knew we were almost at the finish line. Sure enough, I got a massive urge to push. A few minutes later and the baby was crowning and we could see her head! After a couple more pushes that didn’t do anything, India had me change positions to hands and knees, which instantly brought the baby down and out with the next push.

The relief post-birth was just as great as the first time, and it was just as magical having Evangeline Rose placed in my arms. Every birth is unique, but it was especially exciting to find out she was born “en caul”, meaning she had the amniotic sac still intact over her head - a rare event that only occurs every 1 in 80,000 births!

I couldn’t wait for her and her sister to meet later that day - my two home birth babies, a route I’ll always be so thankful I took.

Best Sources of Folic Acid

Folic acid is a water-soluble B-vitamin, also referred to as vitamin B9. It plays a fundamental role in many physiological processes, especially in the synthesis and repair of DNA and the formation of red blood cells. During pregnancy, a good source of folic acid is essential for the proper development of the neural tube, which eventually forms the baby's brain and spinal cord. 

However, getting the folic acid you need is not necessarily as simple as getting it through your prenatal supplement. Research has shed light on the MTHFR gene mutation and its implications for the absorption of synthetic folic acid that is found in prenatal vitamins.

Understanding the MTHFR Mutation

MTHFR, or methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, is a gene responsible for producing an enzyme crucial in the conversion of folic acid into its active form, 5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate). This active form is essential for various biochemical processes in the body, including DNA synthesis and repair.

A significant portion of the population carries the MTHFR mutation, with at least 50% carrying the mutation on one or both genes, likely more. This mutation can impact the body's ability to convert synthetic folic acid into the active form, leading to concerns about its effectiveness in preventing neural tube defects during pregnancy.

While prenatal vitamins are commonly recommended to meet the increased nutritional needs during pregnancy, the MTHFR mutation complicates matters. Synthetic folic acid, found in most prenatal supplements, may not be effectively converted into the active form in individuals with the mutation. 

Natural Sources of Folic Acid

So if there is a strong likelihood that your body cannot properly absorb folic acid in its synthetic form, how can you make sure you get enough of this important nutrient while pregnant? 

We recommend trying to get as much of your folic acid intake from whole foods as possible. Not only does this provide your body with many other needed nutrients, but you will be able to process folic acid more efficiently.

Benefits of Using Natural Sources for Folic Acid

  • Improved Absorption: Unlike synthetic folic acid, the naturally occurring form is easily absorbed by the body, ensuring it is used more efficiently.

  • Whole Food Nutrients: Food sources of folic acid come packaged with other essential nutrients, promoting a balanced and wholesome approach to nutrition during pregnancy.

  • Reduced Risk of Overconsumption: Obtaining folic acid through natural sources minimizes the risk of overdosing, a concern associated with excessive supplementation.

Food Sources of Folic Acid

  • Leafy Greens: Incorporating leafy greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli into your diet provides a rich source of naturally occurring folate.

  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and peas are excellent plant-based sources of folic acid, offering additional nutritional benefits.

  • Grass-Fed Beef Liver: Beef liver is a concentrated source of folic acid and is easy to take via organic pill supplements.

  • Citrus Fruits: Oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits are not only rich in vitamin C but also contain folic acid.

Nature is usually the best medicine, but often overlooked. Natural sources, such as leafy greens, legumes, and citrus fruits, offer a reliable and well-absorbed alternative to synthetic supplements. When in doubt, opting for nature's provisions ensures a direct and effective approach to meeting the nutritional needs of the body.

Visit our wholesale account at Wellevate to look for folic supplements such as grass-fed beef liver to add to your diet.

Tiny Tummies: How to Relieve Baby Gas Pains

As a parent, seeing your little one crying in discomfort and pain is one of the most challenging aspects of caring for a newborn, and can leave you feeling helpless and desperate to provide relief. One common culprit behind fussiness is often baby gas pains, a discomfort that many infants experience due to their newly developing digestive systems. This is often a contributing factor to colic - the word every parent dreads hearing. So whether your baby seems to be experiencing some discomfort or has full-on colic, keep reading for ways that might provide relief.

Causes of Baby Gas Pains

Gas pains happen to most infants and can be traced back to many different factors. The most common causes include:

  • Immature Digestive System: A newborn's digestive system is still developing, making it more prone to gas-related discomfort.

  • Swallowing Air: Babies often swallow air while feeding, crying, or sucking on pacifiers, leading to the accumulation of gas in their tiny tummies.

  • Dietary Factors: Breastfed babies can experience gas pains if their mothers consume certain gas-inducing foods like cabbage, broccoli, or dairy. In this case, you may want to try an elimination diet to see if that resolves the issue (keep reading below). For formula-fed infants, gas may result from difficulty digesting certain proteins.

  • Fast Feeding: Feeding too quickly can cause babies to ingest air along with their milk, contributing to gas issues. If your baby is spitting up large amounts after most meals, or even vomiting, they may be eating too quickly or too much. 

  • Tightness: Sometimes babies are “tight”, meaning they hold extra tension in their little bodies. Birth and delivery are hard work for the baby too, and often creates tension that can contribute to gas pains. If you notice your baby constantly arching their back, clenching, or extending, you may want to consider chiropractic newborn care or infant massage.

Natural Methods to Relieve Baby Gas Pains

  1. Burping: Burn your baby during and after feeds to release swallowed air. Hold your baby upright against your chest and gently pat or rub their back. If this doesn’t release the air, try sitting your baby up on your lap with your hand on their chest. Lean your baby forward with your thumb and forefinger supporting their jaw and pat their back.

  2. Correct Feeding Techniques: Whether breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, ensure a proper latch and a slow, steady flow of milk to prevent excess air intake. If your let down is too fast, try hand-expressing a small amount before feeding your baby.

  3. Tummy Time: Gentle tummy time can help relieve gas by allowing your baby to expel trapped air. Lay them on their tummy for short periods when they are awake and supervised. If they cry and fight tummy time on the floor, you can try laying them on top of you while reclining, or use a nursing pillow so they aren’t face down.

  4. Bicycle Legs: While your baby is lying on their back, gently move their legs in a bicycling motion. Gently push their legs toward their stomach in between cycling. This can help stimulate bowel movements and alleviate gas. 

  5. Warm Baths: A warm bath can relax your baby's muscles and ease digestive discomfort. Ensure the water is comfortably warm and supervise your baby closely.

  6. Herbal Remedies: Some parents find relief using natural remedies like gripe water, which often contains herbs such as fennel, ginger, and chamomile known for their digestive benefits. Always consult with your pediatrician before using any herbal remedies.

  7. Elimination Diet (for Breastfeeding Moms): If breastfeeding, consider eliminating certain gas-producing foods from your diet to see if it improves your baby's symptoms. Dairy is a common culprit, but you may want to try cutting other foods if eliminating dairy does not reduce symptoms.

  8. Infant Massage: Gently rub your baby’s belly in a clockwise motion to move the gas toward the bowel. You can also try using the sides of your palms to make downward strokes on the belly from the ribs to pelvis, each hand following the other in a constant motion. 

  9. Chiropractic Care: Getting your baby adjusted can stimulate nerve flow, reduce gas, and improve the latch through muscle stimulation. Bellies and Babies (located at the Cincinnati Birth Center) is the perfect place for both mom and baby to get the care they need through a gentle, balanced approach.

Zen Mama: Prenatal Yoga for a Healthy Pregnancy

Prenatal yoga is a practice that provides physical and mental support, contributing to a healthier pregnancy. By incorporating gentle stretches, breathing techniques, and relaxation exercises, women can prepare their bodies for childbirth, foster a positive mindset, and promote the health of both mother and baby.

What Are the Benefits of Prenatal Yoga?

  • Feel Better Physically: Prenatal yoga focuses on gentle stretches, strengthening exercises, and breath awareness, which help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts such as back pain, swelling, and fatigue. These exercises also enhance flexibility, promoting a smoother labor and delivery process.

  • Balance Fluctuating Emotions: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can lead to mood swings and increased stress levels. Prenatal yoga incorporates mindfulness and relaxation techniques, fostering emotional well-being. By connecting with your breath and practicing meditation, you can reduce anxiety, cultivate a positive mindset, and enhance your overall emotional resilience.

  • Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor: Prenatal yoga includes specific poses that target the pelvic floor muscles. Strengthening these muscles is beneficial for supporting the weight of the growing uterus, improving posture, and preparing the body for childbirth.

  • Connect With Your Baby: Through gentle movements and mindful breathing, prenatal yoga encourages a deep connection between the mother and her growing baby. This bonding experience contributes to a positive emotional environment for both mother and child.

What Kinds of Yoga to Avoid

While prenatal yoga is generally safe and beneficial, some styles may not be suitable for pregnant women. High-intensity practices, hot yoga, and styles that involve lying on the back for extended periods should be avoided. Make sure you consult with your healthcare provider and inform your yoga instructor about your pregnancy to practice yoga safely.

Prenatal Yoga Poses to Try

  1. Mountain Pose

    • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.

    • Distribute your weight evenly on both feet, engaging your thighs and lifting your chest.

    • Relax your shoulders away from your ears, and bring your palms together in front of your heart or let your arms hang by your sides.

    • Focus on your breath and maintain a steady, balanced posture.

  2. Cat-Cow Stretch

    • Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, wrists aligned under shoulders and knees under hips.

    • Inhale, arch your back, and lift your head and tailbone for Cow Pose.

    • Exhale, round your spine, tuck your chin to your chest, and engage your pelvic floor for Cat Pose.

    • Flow smoothly between Cat and Cow, coordinating each movement with your breath.

  3. Child's Pose

    • Kneel on the mat with your big toes touching and knees wide apart.

    • Sit back on your heels, extending your arms forward and lowering your chest toward the mat.

    • Rest your forehead on the mat, allowing your belly to fit between your thighs.

    • Breathe deeply, relaxing into the pose and feeling a gentle stretch in your hips and back.

  4. Warrior II

    • Start in a standing position, step one foot back, keeping the front knee bent over the ankle.

    • Extend your arms parallel to the floor, reaching in opposite directions.

    • Open your hips and chest toward the side, maintaining a strong and stable stance.

    • Gaze over the front fingertips and breathe deeply, feeling the strength in your legs and openness in your hips.

  5. Goddess Pose

    • Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart, toes turned outward.

    • Bend your knees and sink into a deep squat, keeping your knees in line with your ankles.

    • Bring your palms together at your heart or extend your arms out to the sides.

    • Engage your pelvic floor and feel the strength in your thighs and core.

  6. Puppy Pose

    • Start in a tabletop position, then walk your hands forward, lowering your chest toward the mat.

    • Keep your hips over your knees and your arms extended, allowing your forehead to rest on the mat.

    • Feel a gentle stretch in your spine, shoulders, and chest, and breathe deeply.

  7. Supported Bridge Pose

    • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart.

    • Place a block or bolster under your hips, lifting them off the mat.

    • Keep your shoulders grounded and relax your arms by your sides.

    • Breathe deeply, feeling a gentle opening in your chest and hips.

  8. Legs Up the Wall Pose

    • Sit sideways with your hip against the wall, then gently swing your legs up the wall as you lie on your back.

    • Place a folded blanket or bolster under your hips for support.

    • Extend your legs up the wall, keeping them relaxed.

    • Breathe deeply, enjoying the inversion and promoting relaxation.

Choose Your Birth Story with Natural Birthing Positions

Natural birthing positions allow mothers to connect with their bodies and embrace instinct to guide them through the process of delivering a baby. Trust that your body knows what it is doing. Adopting a natural position lets you lean into a more intuitive and physically beneficial birthing experience.

Natural vs. Traditional Birthing Positions

Natural positions for labor and delivery tend to need less medical interventions and put less stress on the mother and baby. Since most of these positions work with gravity, they create a more efficient and speedy labor. Other benefits include:

  • Reduced Tearing:

    • Natural positions facilitate a smoother descent for the baby, reducing the likelihood of tearing and minimizing trauma to the perineum.

  • Optimal Fetal Positioning:

    • These positions encourage the baby to align itself in the most favorable position for birth, enhancing the efficiency of the birthing process.

  • Empowerment and Comfort:

    • Natural birthing positions empower mothers to actively participate in the birthing process, fostering a sense of control and comfort.

Traditional positions, such as the supine (lying on the back) or lithotomy (legs in stirrups) positions are commonly advocated in hospital settings. While they are convenient for medical staff, these positions often work against gravity, potentially prolonging labor and increasing discomfort.

Traditional positions are also often associated with a higher likelihood of medical interventions, including episiotomies and assisted deliveries. While medical interventions are sometimes necessary, routine “one-size-fits-all” approaches can lead to unnecessary interventions.

The Best Positions for Natural Birth

Contrary to traditional birthing positions pushed by many hospitals, such as lying on the back, natural birthing positions recognize the body's inherent design for bringing new life into the world. These positions create an ideal space for the baby to exit, reduce the possibility of tearing, and allow you to feel as comfortable as possible.

1. Squatting:

In the squatting position, gravity works in your favor, allowing the baby to descend more easily. This position widens the pelvic outlet, reducing pressure on the perineum and decreasing the likelihood of tearing. Many mothers find that squatting on the toilet speeds up the process since their pelvic muscles are used to working in that position.

2. Hands and Knees:

Adopting a hands-and-knees position can ease back pain and provide optimal positioning for the baby to navigate through the birth canal. Going on your hands and knees reduces pressure on your spine and opens up the pelvis, creating a more comfortable and efficient labor.

3. Standing or Leaning Forward:

Remaining upright and leaning forward encourages the baby to move down the birth canal, taking advantage of gravity. This position often leads to a more open pelvic inlet, reducing the strain on the perineum and minimizing the risk of tearing. You can hang onto your partner for support or lean against the edge of your bed or other prop.

4. Side-Lying:

The side-lying position is a comfortable alternative that promotes optimal fetal positioning. It may reduce the intensity of contractions, allowing the mother to conserve energy for the pushing stage. It also relieves stress on the perineum, which minimizes tearing.

Home Birth VS Birth Center - Which is Right for You?

You’ve decided you want a natural birth experience with minimal interventions and a midwife as your caregiver. But what are your options for where to give birth?

Most natural births will either take place in your own home or at a birthing center, and the Cincinnati Birth Center is thrilled to be able to offer BOTH choices to expecting mothers! But how do you decide which location is right for you? Ultimately, the answer is wherever you feel the most comfortable giving birth. 

To help you make your choice, let’s take a quick dive into what makes home birth and birthing centers unique.

Benefits of a Home Birth

A home birth is exactly what it sounds like – giving birth in the comfort of your own home, often attended by a certified midwife and a trained doula. Here are some of the benefits to consider when contemplating a home birth:

  1. Comfort and Familiarity: Giving birth at home allows you to be in a familiar environment, which can help you relax and have a sense of security. You have control over your surroundings -  from the lighting to the music - creating a personalized and comfortable atmosphere. It’s also a more inclusive way to have older children, other family members, and anyone else present at the birth without getting outside permission.

  2. Use Your Own Supplies: While your midwife will bring needed supplies and possibly a birthing pool, you have the freedom to purchase/use your own supplies, use your own shower, and have access to anything else of yours as desired. 

  3. Personalized Care: Your midwife and/or doula will provide continuous one-on-one care, offering support and guidance throughout your labor and delivery. This personalized attention can be reassuring for many.

  4. No Unnecessary Interventions: If you wish for minimal interventions during your labor, have a low-risk pregnancy, and feel confident in your body’s innate ability, a home birth can be one of the most empowering events you will ever experience. 

Benefits of a Birth Center

A birthing center is a midwife-led, home-like facility designed for childbirth. It's distinct from a hospital environment and offers a balance between a home birth and a traditional hospital birth. Here's what you can expect with a birthing center:

  1. Home-Like Environment: Birthing centers are designed to create a comfortable, homey atmosphere while ensuring you have access to professional medical care should complications arise. They often feature spacious rooms, birthing pools, and cozy furnishings.

  2. Certified Midwives: The care you receive in a birthing center is led by certified midwives who emphasize a more natural approach to childbirth. If you opt for a birth center, you won’t have to wait for a midwife to arrive at your home, but you can still enjoy being at home for early labor before going to the center.

  3. Lower Intervention Rates: Birthing centers have much lower intervention rates compared to hospitals, making them a suitable choice for parents who want a more natural experience but prefer to give birth at a medical facility.

  4. Emergency Care Close By: Although birthing centers aim to provide a home-like setting and have a low transfer rate, they are equipped to handle emergencies and have a plan for transferring you to a nearby hospital should the need arise.

Which is Right For You?

If you’re still going back and forth on which birthing location is the best fit for you, consider the following:

  • Medical Risk Factors: Before anything else, evaluate your pregnancy's risk factors with your healthcare provider. If you have a low-risk pregnancy, both home births and birthing centers may then be considered.

  • Comfort Level: Consider where you feel most comfortable. Do you prefer the relaxation and familiarity of home or a medical facility with home-like comforts?

  • Support System: Discuss your preferences with your partner, family, or support system. Their input and comfort level may play a big part in your decision.

  • Distance to Hospital: If you choose a home birth, make sure you live within a reasonable distance to a hospital in case of emergencies. If you live far away from the nearest hospital, both you and your midwives may feel more comfortable with using a birth center instead.

  • Cost and Insurance: Investigate the costs and insurance coverage for both options, as they can vary significantly.

  • Legal Considerations: Research any legal requirements and regulations for home births and birthing centers in your area.

Ultimately, the decision between a home birth and a birthing center depends on your personal preferences, risk factors, and the kind of birthing experience you desire. Have open, honest conversations with your midwife and support system to make an informed choice that aligns with your values and needs. Whichever path you choose, the goal is a safe and positive birthing experience for both you and your baby!