How to Take Control of Your Health and Get Started with FEMM

Many women are used to tracking some aspect of their lifestyle regularly - their diet, financial spending, physical activity - but what about your ovulation? As a woman, learning how to track your body’s ovulation cycle is imperative to unlocking your health.

Whether you’re trying to become pregnant or are trying to prevent pregnancy, understanding the way your reproductive system works can help you and your partner make decisions about your family planning that feel right to you. It can also help you understand and monitor hormonal symptoms such as acne, anxiety, depression, cycle irregularity, and migraines. While there are many different methodologies for tracking your cycle, one of the most highly regarded natural methods of tracking is called FEMM. 

What is FEMM?

FEMM stands for Fertility Education and Medical Management. It’s essentially a form of natural family planning that uses scientific information about your body, such as cervical mucus observation and urinary hormonal levels, to signal how fertile you are at any point during your cycle.

Why use FEMM?

FEMM uses science-based information and research to help you understand your unique cycle. What we love about FEMM is that it emphasizes that while there are certain common health parameters for reproductive health, every woman’s body and cycle is unique. Using FEMM’s guiding principles, you can better understand your individual patterns and monitor your health.

We also love that when a woman encounters gynecological issues, FEMM aims to treat the root of the cause rather than the symptoms. Additionally, FEMM helps women become more engaged with their health and ultimately make informed decisions that are right for them.

Tips For Getting Started With FEMM

At the Cincinnati Birth Center, we aim to create a safe place for women to grow throughout every step of their reproductive journey. We believe that for women to feel safe and supported, they need to also feel informed about their health. FEMM is an excellent way to unlock your health and get comfortable at listening to your body and its needs.

Interested in getting started with FEMM? Here’s what our team recommends:

  • The simplest way to start is to download the free, FEMM App 

  • Schedule a fertility consultation with our team at the Cincinnati Birth Center and we can show you how to use the app and start tracking hormonal health

  • You can find a certified FEMM provider by visiting

Still have questions about FEMM and how you can take control of your reproductive health? Schedule a free consultation with us by calling 513-399-7263 or send us a message.