Meet India Stringer

How long have you worked for the Cincinnati Birth Center?

The first birth I did for the Cincinnati Birth Center was in September of 2020.

What is your role within the center?

I’m the main birth assistant and a student midwife.

What brought you to the Cincinnati Birth Center?

Another midwife connected me to the Cincinnati Birth Center and I saw the opportunity to help moms.

What do you do outside of the Cincinnati Birth Center?

I'm a mom to a cool ten year old boy and I study midwifery. I like trying new restaurants.

Who is a strong woman in your life whom you look up to? Why?

My mom, Leslie Stringer. My mom is strong because I've seen her in many different roles and she always takes them on headstrong. She's super positive and optimistic and it inspires me. She's really caring. She could literally be in the worst mood ever and take care of any and everybody.

What motivates or inspires you?

I'm motivated by effort..the observation of effort in others. Even if you're showing just a little bit of effort it makes me see you are trying and realize maybe I can give a little effort too.

What inspires me is passion. Hearing other people passionate about birth made me find my own passion for it. Seeing others' passion inspires me to become passionate about something.

Share something not a lot of people know about you:

I binge watch documentaries all the time. I've slowed down recently but I'm a documentary junkie. I love serial killer documentaries, murder documentaries, animal documentaries, Ancient Aliens.

Words you live by?

“Honesty and loyalty.”