Pregnancy Cravings: Why They Happen & What They Could Mean


While sporadic food cravings can be common at any point in your life, they tend to creep in much more frequently and furiously when you’re pregnant. If you’ve ever experienced them, you may be wondering why and when they typically occur.

Why do pregnant women get cravings?

While scientists have yet to identify one specific reason why pregnancy cravings exist, research suggests that they’re largely caused by hormonal changes, sensory changes, and changes in your body’s nutritional needs. Additionally, you may begin to experience a sudden dislike for foods that you used to like. Typically, food aversions can be due to a heightened sense of smell and changes in your hormones or taste buds. 

When do pregnant women experience cravings?

Throughout each trimester of your pregnancy, you may experience changes in your cravings and food aversions. Cravings typically tend to begin during the first trimester of pregnancy and peak in the second trimester. However, both cravings and food aversions can happen at any point during pregnancy.

What are the most common pregnancy cravings and what do they mean?

Prenatal craving tendencies are largely dependent on the individual and also have ties to nutritional deficiencies. The most commonly reported cravings are:


Many women develop strong cravings for pickles during pregnancy, even if they previously rarely had eaten them. Nutritionists suggest that this could largely be due to the increased blood volume in pregnant women, because it increases a woman’s need for sodium. 

A Healthier Choice: Roasted veggies seasoned lightly with salt

Sweet cravings, like chocolate, tend to be incredibly common and may be an indicator of a vitamin B deficiency. While getting your vitamin intake is important, you may want to consider which type of chocolate you grab for.

A Healthier Choice: Dark chocolate, which is full of antioxidants. 

Peanut Butter
Can’t keep your hands off the jar of peanut butter? Craving PB during pregnancy can mean that your body is lacking levels of vitamin B. It also could simply mean that your body is craving comfort food, which could be a reaction to ever changing hormone levels.

Ice Cream, Cheese, & Dairy Products
Babies need high levels of calcium while they’re growing, which often leads many expecting mothers to crave dairy products such as ice cream and cheese. Consuming small quantities of these items is fine to do while pregnant, but be sure to steer clear of soft cheeses and unpasteurized dairy products.

A Healthier Choice: Greek yogurt 

One of the healthier cravings you can have during pregnancy is fresh fruit. Fruits such as cantaloupe and strawberries offer high amounts of Vitamin C, which are great for bone, teeth, and vital tissue formation. However, craving certain fruits can also signal vitamin deficiencies. For instance, craving bananas, nectarines, and apricots may indicate low potassium levels.

Ice & Nonfood Substances
Sometimes, women will experience intense cravings for non-edible items such as grass, rocks, dirt, and chalk. If this happens, you should consult a doctor immediately. These cravings often signal a condition called, “pica” which can be very dangerous and indicate iron deficiency.

Overall, the best way to manage your pregnancy cravings and adhere to a healthy diet is to make sure you’re having well-balanced meals throughout the day that are rich in vitamins. Eat breakfast each day, make sure you’re getting in some physical activity, and check in with your body throughout your pregnancy journey to look for signs or indications of what you need.