The Highs and Lows of Pregnancy (As seen on TV)

From the messy to the magical - pregnancy is full of highs and lows that any woman who has been through it can relate to. You may have grown up watching pregnancy played out on TV in different ways, highlighting the highs, lows, and woes that pregnant women often face as their body and lifestyle begins to change. While the media can often exaggerate aspects of pregnancy, it also highlights countless oh-so-real emotions and experiences that pregnant women face.

From TV shows to movies, can you relate to any of these famed pregnant personalities?

When you first find out you’re pregnant and can’t wait to share the news.

Then you start learning more about childbirth and what happens to your body during labor...

...And you begin taking all of your recommended supplements.

When all you want is chocolate but you’re supposed to be eating a nutritious diet... you begin finding new ways to balance your cravings with your growing belly.

When your partner asks why you’re so tired all the time...


And everyone you encounter insists on touching your bump. 

When the third trimester hits hard and you lose all control...

...and you’re officially ready for pregnancy to be over (like yesterday). 


When you start to feel optimistic as your due date gets closer...

...and then you go into labor...

But realize it was all worth it once you look down at your newborn’s face.

While pregnancy isn’t always quite as glamorous or messy as the media makes it out to be, there are certainly some laughable and relatable moments to be drawn from TV’s famed pregnant characters.

So tell  us, can you relate?
If so, share this blog post on social media and tag a friend who might find these moments all too #relatable .