Yoni Steaming for Fertility, Birth, and Postpartum Healing
/Women’s health has been seeing a decline, especially in the United States. Infertility, Endometriosis, PCOS, and other health issues have skyrocketed, alongside childbirth complications. Many women are realizing that it’s time to start looking to tried and true medicinal practices that have been around for centuries to get their health back on track.
Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming, is an ancient practice traditionally used in various cultures around the world. When used correctly, this is a safe therapy that involves exposing the vaginal area to steam or smoke infused with medicinal herbs. For centuries, women have used yoni steaming for help in boosting fertility, easing childbirth, and aiding postpartum recovery.
The Benefits of Yoni Steaming
Fertility and Menstrual Health: One of the main draws to yoni steaming is to enhance fertility. The practice is believed to balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, and cleanse the uterus, making it an attractive option for women seeking to conceive. Herbal blends used in yoni steaming often include ingredients such as mugwort, rosemary, wormwood, and basil—plants known for their detoxifying and circulation-boosting properties.
The steam is thought to soften and nourish the tissues of the reproductive system, increasing blood flow to the pelvic area and helping to remove any blockages that could affect fertility or other health problems such as fibroids, infections, or painful periods.
Pregnancy: Some use yoni steaming to prepare the body for labor, usually at 37 weeks or after (we do not recommend steaming during pregnancy at any point before 37 weeks). The warm steam relaxes the pelvic muscles and perineum, which may reduce the risk of tearing.
Postpartum Recovery: After delivery, the vaginal area may experience swelling, soreness, or discomfort. Yoni steaming is believed to help cleanse the uterus, promote tissue repair, and reduce inflammation.
The warm steam infused with healing herbs can soothe the perineal area, support the body in releasing lochia (postpartum discharge), and restore the reproductive organs to their pre-pregnancy state.
How to Yoni Steam
What is Used?
Herbs (Commonly used herbs include mugwort, rosemary, lavender, oregano, basil, chamomile, and calendula)
Large bowl or pot
Heat source
Towel or blanket to create a tent around your lower body, trapping the steam
A comfortable chair or yoni steaming stool (These are specially designed with a hole in the seat to allow the steam to rise directly to the vaginal area)
How to Steam
Use about one cup of dried herbs or two cups of fresh herbs and place them in the pot or bowl. Boil 2-3 quarts of water and pour over the herbs. Allow the mixture to steep for a few minutes and so that the water slightly cools.
In a comfortable, relaxing area, sit or squat over the pot so that the steam can rise directly to your vaginal area. Drape a large towel or blanket like a tent around your waist to trap the steam, then remain seated over the steam for 20-40 minutes.
Drink water during and after steaming to remain hydrated.
Safety Precautions
Temperature Control: Do not burn yourself! Always check the temperature of the steam before positioning yourself over the pot.
Timing: It’s generally recommended to steam 1-2 times per month, especially before and after menstruation. However, frequency may vary based on individual needs. Avoid steaming during menstruation or if you have an active infection.
Medical Conditions: If you have any medical conditions, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, yeast infections, or open sores, avoid yoni steaming. Women who are pregnant should hold off from steaming until after at least 37 weeks gestation, and then only under professional supervision.
Hygiene: Make sure all equipment used for steaming is clean and disinfected before and after each use to prevent infections. Use only high-quality, organic herbs to avoid exposure to pesticides or contaminants.
Listen to Your Body: If you experience any discomfort, pain, or unusual symptoms during or after steaming, stop the practice immediately and consult a healthcare provider.
This Fall, we will be offering traditional Yoni Steaming as a part of the Cincinnati Birth Center services for pre- and post-pregnancy!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions - we are happy to discuss with you!