Boost Your Health and Wellness With Tinctures

Tinctures have been increasing in popularity throughout the wellness industry. These products have grown in fame among those looking to incorporate herbal remedies into their daily lives. When used correctly, they can help to improve one’s physical and mental health. 

What are tinctures?

A tincture is simply a liquid made by steeping herbs in alcohol, which helps to extract the medicinal properties of the herb. Tinctures are also easy to ingest, travel with, and safely store. They tend to be highly concentrated and long-lasting, meaning that they have a much longer shelf life than fresh or dried herbs. 

Why use tinctures?

With their highly concentrated medicinal properties, tinctures are a great and effective way to ingest natural vitamins and nutrients that can have positive effects on your body.

Are tinctures safe to consume during pregnancy?

Tinctures are made from natural herbs and are typically safe for pregnant women to ingest. In fact, they can have positive effects on both mother and baby. However, you should consult your doctor to discuss if tinctures are right for you. 

How should one ingest tinctures?

Tinctures can be ingested in a multitude of ways. You can place them directly under your tongue, which is the fastest path for absorption. You can also place them into a small amount of water or a hot tea. Alternatively, you can take them with honey or lemon to ease the taste.

What tinctures would you recommend using if you’re pregnant or a new mother?

There are many different tinctures that can positively affect expecting or new mothers, but our favorites are Motherwort, Lemon Balm, and Goat’s Rue. We also love Wish Garden’s AfterEase tincture, which is great for a woman’s postpartum period. 

The Motherwort tincture is like receiving a big hug. It’s a traditional postpartum tonic used for helping feelings of postpartum depression and overwhelm. Additionally, Lemon Balm is an antiviral herb that can be used to help relieve anxiety and can reduce the chance of herpes outbreaks. Goat’s Rue helps to soothe milk ducts and boost milk supply. It’s especially helpful for women who have been unable to fully breastfeed due to insufficient milk supply stemming from IGT. This may include women with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Type 2 Diabetes, and obesity. Lastly, AfterEase works really well at relieving afterbirth cramps.

Interested in trying tinctures? Our online shop sells a variety of different tinctures to support women throughout their prenatal and postpartum journeys. However, tinctures can be beneficial for anyone interested in boosting their physical and mental wellbeing. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please discuss with your healthcare practitioner prior to use.