The Top 5 Fertility Tracking Apps 2021

Getting pregnant doesn’t always happen by chance. In fact, many couples will likely find themselves trying for a few months or longer before becoming pregnant, and the window for a woman to do so lasts only 6 days on average each month. 

Luckily, modern technology has created fertility tracking tools that make planning for pregnancy and tracking your period easier to do. There are many fertility tracking apps these days, but these are the top 5 fertility tracking apps you can count on in 2021: 


Backed by science-driven algorithms, Clue helps women track everything from their cycle and emotions to their sleeping levels. Add in details, track your days, and monitor your chance of pregnancy at any point in time. As a bonus, Clue offers a pregnancy tracker which allows women to log their pregnancy symptoms pre and postpartum.


This 100% free app allows you to track and download your data easily. It creates fertility window predictions based upon your daily health and symptoms and provides you with a percentage of likelihood to conceive each day of the week.

In addition to fertility, you can also use the app to track your fitness, eating, sleeping, and mood throughout each month. With Ovia you can easily share your information with your partner by data syncing within the app.


Flo uses an alternative approach to fertility tracking compared to other apps. Rather than using an algorithm to predict fertility levels, the app uses AI to “get to know you” based upon your daily symptoms. This is a great option for women with irregular cycles who may contradict the average fixed algorithm.


Simple graphics and soothing colors collide in this ultra-customizable period tracking app. It’s designed to bring you and your partner together with built-for-two functionality and syncing. Your partner can view your daily health and moods and be better equipped to support you throughout both fertility and your monthly cycle.


Glow is a free app that tracks your ovulation and everyday symptoms, such as your mood, sexual activity, and more. It allows you to have an accurate account of your fertility and cycle, while detecting personal patterns in your health. 

Are you pregnant or trying to become pregnant? If so, consider your prenatal care options. If you have questions, concerns, or inquiries please contact us or schedule a free consultation by calling 513-399-7263.