Do midwives carry medications that would prevent me from bleeding too much?

Do midwives carry medications that would prevent me from bleeding too much?

The definition of a hemorrhage during a normal vaginal birth, is blood loss of more than 2 cups in the first few hours after birth, or more than 4 cups within the first 24 hours afterwards.

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What to do and what NOT to do if you're exploring home birth as a first time mom!

What to do and what NOT to do if you're exploring home birth as a first time mom!

Women who come from families where natural birth is the norm tend to have straightforward natural births. Why? Because they’ve been thinking about birth as normal their entire lives. Some of us have to work hard during pregnancy to undo all the subtle messages we’ve been told-that our bodies don’t work well or we just aren’t strong enough.

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One Midwife's Quick and Dirty Guide to Women's Health Websites

One Midwife's Quick and Dirty Guide to Women's Health Websites

Becoming a midwife was a journey that began in middle school as I pursued interests in herbalism and nutrition. Along the way, I discovered websites that influenced how I care for my body, shifted my thinking, or gave me a better understanding of how my hormones work.

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Packing your birth bag? Don't forget these foods!

Packing your birth bag? Don't forget these foods!

It’s important to fill your birth bag with food for yourself and your loved one. Not only will it be helpful during your labor, but also for the recovery after.

Protein will ground you. It will give you endurance and energy for the long haul. It will help stabilize your blood sugars and help you and your loved one feel less anxious.

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