Dear Women Everywhere: An Open Letter In Honor Of Women's Equality Day

Dear Women Everywhere: An Open Letter In Honor Of Women's Equality Day

This Thursday, August 26th is National Women’s Equality Day: a day that marks a monumental moment in time in which women overcame adversity, gained the right to vote, and took a stand for gender equality. Today, it acts as both a celebration of all the adversities women have overcome in the sake of equality as well as a reminder of the vast inequalities that still exist today.

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Healthy and Refreshing Mocktails To Spice Up Your Summer

Healthy and Refreshing Mocktails To Spice Up Your Summer

Summer is just around the corner! As the summer heat begins to set in, so does the itch for refreshing cold drinks. If you’re a soon-to-be-mom or a nursing mother, it’s important that you skip the summer booze and stick to mocktails in the months ahead. But that doesn’t mean they still can’t pack a punch! Sit back, relax, and sip on one of these healthy, refreshing mocktails this Summer:

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What To Expect When You’re Expecting At Any Age

What To Expect When You’re Expecting At Any Age

There’s no “right time” to get pregnant - only what’s right for you. At the Cincinnati Birthing Center, we want to make sure that you feel supported and safe no matter where you’re at in your pregnancy. Whether you’re 25 or 35 years old when you find out you're pregnant, there’s helpful advice you can follow that can help you foster a safe, healthy, and happy pregnancy. Here’s what our expert midwives had to say

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